He Went To Jared!

Right after the proposal. We are still on the gondola.
Nick is amazing! He had a huge elaborate ruse planned to get my ring. We were in Minneapolis visiting Nick's family, and he and his friend were getting together for a "boys day" (I wasn't invited! Now I know why!). I guess I was a little ticked off that I had to entertain myself that day, but I got over it and went into the city to hang with my sister. We had lots of fun, and I'm glad it happened.

Meanwhile, Nick had gone to Jared to look at possible rings. He had me bring the ring my mom gave us for a trade in down so we could show the family. I thought it was incredibly sweet that he was proud of that, but he had other things in mind. Nick went into the store just to "look" until he found the setting he wanted, it was pretty much all over from there.

Nick picked out the beautiful platinum setting, with five diamonds on each side and two smaller diamonds on the sides of the large one. He knew that I wanted sapphires in my ring, so he had the two smaller diamonds replaced with the deep blue sapphires. The diamond in the middle is a princess cut, nearly flawless, nearly colorless .72 carat diamond. It is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. I fall in love with it more and more each day.

Nick had my ring hidden in the basement storage closet for 3 or so months without me even suspecting it was there. Nick took my parents out to dinner to ask their permission, they were not allowed to see the ring until I did (which mom and dad thought was fair).  He was so proud of himself when he finally popped the question. It made him so happy to tell me all of the crazy details that went into getting my ring from Fargo, to Minneapolis, back to Fargo, to Europe, and finally on the gondola in Venice. It was a crazy ride, but I'm so glad he did it!

Wedding Bands

We bought our wedding bands! Its a big check off my wedding list and I cannot wait until they come in!

Nick's band: Made of tungsten carbide with black carbon fiber in the middle. He loves it because it looks like a manly man's ring. His should be here in 2 weeks or so.

My ring is being made. It is platinum with 5 diamonds raised up in the middle. Should match the width of my gems perfectly. My ring is going to take almost 2 months to make because they don't carry platinum rings. :-(
Shown in gold. www.kay.com